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Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University

Alexander Semochkin

Director of Information Technologies, Security
and Telecommunication Department
Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, associate professor

Laboratory of Information Technologies

Alexander Semochkin, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics,
associate professor, Director of Department

The lab performs scientific, methodological and engineering research and development of information and telecommunication technologies

One of the major projects of the lab is software development of university management system (schedule, curriculum, testing, online education etc.). Java platform has been chosen as the primary development platform for the project.

Human-machine interface
based on pattern recognition research project

"Sensor gloves" project was shown on the Sun Tech Days 2009-2010 world developer conference in Saint Petersberg, Russia, as well as on JavaOne 2009 world conference in San Francisco, USA.

Human-machine interface
based on pattern recognition research project

Computer control by gestures and visual markers (2012-2013)

Adaptive Infoterminal with Face Recognition Function

The infoterminal can detect and recognize faces. If the user has unique QR-code card he enables face recognition training mode function. Infoterminal can group frequently used services according to certain user. After face recognition training completion, user gets access to class timetable and other functions.(2013-2015)

Human-machine interface
based on pattern recognition research project

Webcam object recognition. Special memory data structures capable of storing and recognizing objects in real time. The application of Tempjunct technology

Software and hardware components development for anthropomorphic robotic platform

Anthropomorphic robotic platform development based on the open-source "InMoov" project. The project aims human-machine interface research.

Software and hardware components development for anthropomorphic robotic platform

Anthropomorphic robotic platform development based on the open-source "InMoov" project. The project aims human-machine interface research.

An open source device for producing
artificial muscles from fishing line

It was presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) collocated with 12th Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2016, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

Adaptive algorithms for autonomous behavior
of the FEDOR robot (Simulator implementation)

First prize of the contest hosted by Foundation for Perspective Studies of Russia,"For best software for autonomous behavior of the humanoid robot" (2017-2018).

Adaptive algorithms for autonomous behavior
of the FEDOR robot (Simulator implementation)

The adaptive software includes full chain of frame segmentation, object recognition, movement planning, movement correction in real-time and object and movement learning.

Adaptive algorithms for autonomous behavior
of the FEDOR robot (Simulator implementation)

The task-oriented architecture gives high adaptability and application both for fine and gross motor skills. Object recognition system also calculates the object's orientation and uses it to tune up the planned action.

Thank you for your attention

e-mail:   iskanderuse @


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